Active 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Patrick J. Natale
Patrick J. (Pat) Natale is retired vice president, business strategies, for Mott MacDonald. Pat holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Newark College of Engineering and a master’s in engineering management from the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Pat retired after 12 years as executive director of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), providing exemplary leadership to this prestigious engineering society. Under his leadership, ASCE began compiling and releasing the ASCE Report Cards for America’s Infrastructure, which widened visibility for ASCE and increased the public’s awareness of infrastructure needs in the U.S. Pat also served as an advisor to the National Academy of Engineering and led an effort sponsored by the National Science Foundation to attract more women to the engineering profession.
He previously was executive director of the National Society of Professional Engineers, and held executive management positions during his 28 years of service with Public Service Electric and Gas Company of New Jersey. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer, is a Distinguished Member of ASCE, and is the recipient of the New Jersey Institute of Technology Distinguished Alumni Award. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and was honored by the Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives with its A. F. Spilhaus Leadership Award.
Pat and Sheila live in Flemington, NJ, and have two sons, Michael and Jason (married to Jennifer) and two grandchildren, Avery and Regan.
Pat retired after 12 years as executive director of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), providing exemplary leadership to this prestigious engineering society. Under his leadership, ASCE began compiling and releasing the ASCE Report Cards for America’s Infrastructure, which widened visibility for ASCE and increased the public’s awareness of infrastructure needs in the U.S. Pat also served as an advisor to the National Academy of Engineering and led an effort sponsored by the National Science Foundation to attract more women to the engineering profession.
He previously was executive director of the National Society of Professional Engineers, and held executive management positions during his 28 years of service with Public Service Electric and Gas Company of New Jersey. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer, is a Distinguished Member of ASCE, and is the recipient of the New Jersey Institute of Technology Distinguished Alumni Award. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and was honored by the Council of Engineering and Scientific Society Executives with its A. F. Spilhaus Leadership Award.
Pat and Sheila live in Flemington, NJ, and have two sons, Michael and Jason (married to Jennifer) and two grandchildren, Avery and Regan.
Elected for:
“Leadership of ASCE and the professions.”