Active 1 month, 1 week ago
James Moore
Jim Moore is vice president at Greenman-Pedersen, a full-service engineering and construction management firm. He holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Penn State and a master’s in management of technology from Lehigh. In 2017, he retired from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as the senior civil engineer for construction management, concluding a 39-year career that involved assignments at all levels of the organization. At GPI, he provides management, business development, and technical assistance, including dam and levee safety. At USACE, he was widely known for his technical expertise and innovative management initiatives, including contingency operations/deployments and disaster response, HTRW, mega projects management, procurement policy, and other efforts to improve construction acquisition. Jim has written for the Dispute Resolution Journal, the International Levee Handbook, and Lessons in Leadership: Learning from Real World Cases. A Professional Engineer and Certified Construction Manager, he serves on the Penn State Civil/Environmental Alumni Association Board of Directors. The Army Engineer Association awarded him both Bronze and Silver Orders of the de Fleury Medal. USACE recognized him as its initial Engineering & Construction Fellow.
Elected for:
“Outstanding executive leadership as an advocate and exemplar of construction and design principles while advancing innovative management and contracting methods.”