Active 7 years ago
G. Wayne Clough
G. Wayne Clough is president emeritus of Georgia Tech. He earned bachelor and master’s degrees in civil engineering from Georgia Tech and a PhD from the University of California-Berkeley. His academic résumé includes positions at Duke, Stanford, Virginia Tech, the University of Washington, and Georgia Tech. He also is past secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.
Wayne is a nationally and internationally recognized authority on the geotechnical side of heavy and underground construction and has played a pivotal role in advancing several means and methods commonly in use today. He has served on numerous boards of highly visible signature construction projects, including the Port of NY; the Port of Seattle; and the Central Artery and Tunnel in Boston. He established the construction engineering and management program at Virginia Tech.
Honored numerous times, Wayne received honorary doctorate degrees from both Northeastern University and Georgia Tech. The Smithsonian awarded him its James Smithson Medal. As secretary of the Smithsonian, he delivered the keynote address “If You Build It, They Will Come” to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge.
He has been married to his wife, Anne, for 54 years. The couple has two children and four grandchildren.
Wayne is a nationally and internationally recognized authority on the geotechnical side of heavy and underground construction and has played a pivotal role in advancing several means and methods commonly in use today. He has served on numerous boards of highly visible signature construction projects, including the Port of NY; the Port of Seattle; and the Central Artery and Tunnel in Boston. He established the construction engineering and management program at Virginia Tech.
Honored numerous times, Wayne received honorary doctorate degrees from both Northeastern University and Georgia Tech. The Smithsonian awarded him its James Smithson Medal. As secretary of the Smithsonian, he delivered the keynote address “If You Build It, They Will Come” to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge.
He has been married to his wife, Anne, for 54 years. The couple has two children and four grandchildren.
Elected for:
“Significant contributions at the interface between geotechnical engineering and construction, increasing the effectiveness of the industry.”