Various committees guide and direct overall activities. In addition to those listed below, ad hoc committees may be formed for a specific purpose and a defined time period.
Executive CommitteeThe NAC Executive Committee is composed of the directors, chairs of standing and Ad Hoc committees. The Executive Committee provides effective leadership to the operations of the Academy.Finance CommitteeThe NAC Finance Committee will be updated soon. Oversees the financial planning, accounting, and auditing functions of the Academy. Awards CommitteeThe NAC Awards Committee is responsible for the solicitation and presentation of the Ted C. Kennedy, Richard L. Tucker, and Recognition of Special Achievement awards and other awards as may be established. Development CommitteeThe NAC Development Committee continually reviews the development plan and necessary resources to sustain the Academy's mission as well as conducts internal and external fundraising activities. Endowment Fund Investment CommitteeThe NAC Endowment Fund Investment Committee oversees the Academy's endowment and investment accounts.Membership CommitteeThe NAC Membership Committee administers the new member selection process as well as evaluates the qualifications of nominees and selection for the final ballot.Strategic Planning CommitteeThe NAC Strategic Planning Committee provides direction for the long-term sustainability and growth of the Academy as well as develops key performance indicators and evaluates NAC versus Mission and Vision statements.
Executive CommitteeThe NAC Executive Committee is composed of the directors, chairs of standing and Ad Hoc committees. The Executive Committee provides effective leadership to the operations of the Academy.
Finance CommitteeThe NAC Finance Committee will be updated soon. Oversees the financial planning, accounting, and auditing functions of the Academy.
Awards CommitteeThe NAC Awards Committee is responsible for the solicitation and presentation of the Ted C. Kennedy, Richard L. Tucker, and Recognition of Special Achievement awards and other awards as may be established.
Development CommitteeThe NAC Development Committee continually reviews the development plan and necessary resources to sustain the Academy's mission as well as conducts internal and external fundraising activities.
Endowment Fund Investment CommitteeThe NAC Endowment Fund Investment Committee oversees the Academy's endowment and investment accounts.
Membership CommitteeThe NAC Membership Committee administers the new member selection process as well as evaluates the qualifications of nominees and selection for the final ballot.
Strategic Planning CommitteeThe NAC Strategic Planning Committee provides direction for the long-term sustainability and growth of the Academy as well as develops key performance indicators and evaluates NAC versus Mission and Vision statements.
Executive Insights CommitteeThe NAC Executive Insights Committee is responsible for creating the member-written publication, Executive Insights. Executive Insights captures the knowledge, experience, and wisdom gained through individual members' leadership roles in the Construction Industry. The committee also oversees the Get the kNACk podcast series. Safety CommitteeThe NAC Safety Committee promotes design and construction safety within the membership as well as keeps the membership in the "know" of safety. Current focus areas are Safety Culture Executive Insights, the Safety Culture Symposia Series - "Introducing and Embedding Safety Culture Concepts in Undergraduate Education", and other efforts.
Executive Insights CommitteeThe NAC Executive Insights Committee is responsible for creating the member-written publication, Executive Insights. Executive Insights captures the knowledge, experience, and wisdom gained through individual members' leadership roles in the Construction Industry. The committee also oversees the Get the kNACk podcast series.
Safety CommitteeThe NAC Safety Committee promotes design and construction safety within the membership as well as keeps the membership in the "know" of safety. Current focus areas are Safety Culture Executive Insights, the Safety Culture Symposia Series - "Introducing and Embedding Safety Culture Concepts in Undergraduate Education", and other efforts.
Collaboration CommitteeThe NAC Collaboration Committee manages the interface between NAC and collaboration partners. Communications and Marketing CommitteeThe NAC Communications and Marketing Committee works with various NAC committees on marketing and publishing as well as internal/external communications, branding, and webpage updates. Scholarship CommitteeThe NAC Scholarship Committee provides funding for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in construction or closely related fields as well as administers the nomination process and selects the scholarship recipients.
Collaboration CommitteeThe NAC Collaboration Committee manages the interface between NAC and collaboration partners.
Communications and Marketing CommitteeThe NAC Communications and Marketing Committee works with various NAC committees on marketing and publishing as well as internal/external communications, branding, and webpage updates.
Scholarship CommitteeThe NAC Scholarship Committee provides funding for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in construction or closely related fields as well as administers the nomination process and selects the scholarship recipients.